Toronto is the destination of choice for nearly everyone moving to Canada - that doesn't just include new immigrants but also people moving from within Canada. They dream of having high paying jobs and buying trendy clothing and having an mortgage broker on call ready to fund their fabulous dream home. If Toronto, Ontario is one destination you're considering, you can use this website to help you compile enough factual information to crack open the veneer of dreams and dig into the reality.

The first issue that needs to be addressed by anyone planning a move to a new area is finding a job. The reason that so many people are attracted to Toronto or other big cities in the first place is because it is seen as a haven of readily available jobs. However, though it is certainly easy to come across a low level job like restaurant server, there are other professions with few openings. If you dream of working as an entertainer or acting in movies, our job overview will help you understand the chances of success for someone in your field.

Once you've secured yourself a job in the big city, it's time to turn your attention to your next largest problem: finding a place to live that you can afford. Toronto is one of the most expensive place in Canada to buy real estate. That doesn't mean there's no hope for you, only that you have to look into other options like condos or homes in the suburbs. We can help you revise your expectations and find your perfect property. Learn how you can win your dream car!

After the arduous process of combing the real estate listings for the right home is complete, then comes the fun stuff. Toronto really is the hub of Canada in terms of culture and events. There are more concerts, museums, plays, festivals, shopping malls, attractions, classes, and monuments than you can shake a stick at, and as a resident, you'll have endless time to explore. We'll introduce you to some of our favorite places and give you a place to start.

Our site is also a great place to read up on practical information about living in Toronto. How will you get around? How much does the subway cost? How should you look after your personal safety? These are all questions you'll want answered at some point, even if you're just visiting rather than moving there. We can answer them for you. Just click on the tabs at the top to get started looking at the articles in the category you want.

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